Saturday, November 14, 2009

3 back in business!!

alright, was up half the night, not at Oscar's this time, but fixing the blog-which is finally up, NOT thanks to you Daniela :P
Best with the blog and the new settings is that now i can Iphone the entries and update all 3 accounts at once, Facebook, twitter and blogger. To the right you will find the twitter updates, which are most often news on coming up events, posts on what's going on, and tournaments pics.
enjoy :)

. The 11 year old team made us all proud yesterday at the seriespel sammandrag in Ljusdal. 22 wins out of 36 against 3 teams :) Joel Andreasson, Nadja and Jack Ydehall played great tennis!

. Halloween party at Sköns TK yesteday as well, busy weekend! We had a great time, Rami and the boys did a good job as always entertaining the kids and allowed me to just be a dad while at the club and spend some time with Emilia :)

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