Sunday, December 6, 2009

15 - mixed feelings

4 semifinals tomorrow morning. kids have been playing so well this weekend! Even the ones that did not make it this far. I am so proud.. mainly because they have been playing as we have practiced, rather than their own way :)
whatever the results in the morning, this has been the ATA's best tournament this semester :D
3 am saturday/sunday night
"pst, man" .... "pst afro" .. I heard a voice on the distance as I walked home tonight. Experience told me: walk fast towards the taxi stop where there is always a crowd, unless you want 5 racist idiots jumping on your head. But I turned around, and what I saw hurt more than someone punching me hard.
One of my players selling hot dogs at 3am in the middle of the city. It was raining and he had been out for 5 hours in the same spot. Cold? Freaking freezing!!!
reality kicks in.
everything is relative.
I know all about picking up extra work as a kid to save cash for the next international tour or to get the new Nike Air Max, but never at 3am under the rain. !!!!??

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