Wednesday, February 10, 2010

back from the future..

Fed won boringly easy, I was in Malmö at the SvTF conference where we discussed and proposed improvements of the new educational program, will soon be getting a DARTFISH license -world's leading technique analysis software - a great sponsorship that made my month :D
Tomorrow is the Medelpad's Sport Gala at the Södra Berget Hotel. I'm a finalist and I can feel the butterflies in my tummy ;) 33% chances, so i guess... will just wait and see. Haven't prepared a speech as not to jinx it, but I know how to celebrate if I win: a thick creamy piece of brie, salty crackers, chili marinated mushrooms, olives and garlic, and a pint of Sam Adams. If I dont win, all of the above plus a huge chocolate pie, and Bens & jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream B)

*My Brother's new movie just won the Best Director & Best Scrip at the Sundance Film Festival, and he has been named "Actor of the Year" in Bolivia, so either there it's been enough prices in the family this year already or there will be one more for mom and dad to brag about ;) *

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