Sunday, December 19, 2010

ATC homepage + camp dates

American Tennis Camp has a new homepage. Check it out!

The ATC has just released the 2011 camp dates:

Friday, December 17, 2010

An ATA challenge!

A can of balls to the first kid that can do this trick!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Little bloopers

A game of adaptation part 2

The forehand- Blake turn - inside out forehand combination drill.. One of my favorites!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Tennis: a game of adaptation..

Tennis is a game of adaptation.. not ever, a player hits the same shot in a lifetime.
Start your monday with this in mind and think about the steps you as a player, parent and specially a coach t take in order to ensure you work, train and live your tennis life according to the adaptation concept..

Richie i ST!

Sundsvalls Tidning den femte december 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

another great ATA weekend :D

We did it :D
Today we won another Championship. The Norrlands Höst serien was played at Sköns TK and the ATA had 2 teams competing. Team A: Matilda Schulz, Anders Tellberg & Lukas Olofsson came in 3th place while team B: Carl Rehnstrand, Nadja Ydehall and Jack Ydehall took the 1 st place.
The ATA has now 2 Norrlands Champions!

This is a great push not only for the kids but also for us, the coaching team, who have been working hard to make sure the kids develop in the right way. What for a year ago seemed a crazy, risky and adventurous idea, opening a tennis academy, is now blooming. Let this be a source of inspiration for the coming months for us all!

the newspaper came earlier this week to talk to both teams about the meet:

Monday, November 15, 2010

A Great ATA Weekend!

This weekend is going to the books as the most successful for the ATA players yet.
We won 3 out of 3 series in the most impressive manner. We started saturdays Maxi Tennis series with only one one player in the right age -11, the youngest being 7. After a long and nerve breaking meet, the ATA kids won over Hudiksvall by 1 match, 10-9. Later they had a somewhat easier time overcoming Kramfors, a victory that consolidated the number 1 spot.
The ATA Maxi Tennis B team won on sunday in a convincing manner displaying great play against Sundsvalls TK 15-3 & Öviks TK 16-2.

But what was THE most surpringsing victory of all- and the ultimate underdog story- was the Girls 13 win against Hudiksvalls TK & Öviks TK. Isabella Schulz and Nadja Ydehall started the match 1 girl short and were faced against no other option than to play flawless tennis.. and they did!!

I feel like a million dollars B)

The Girls 13 team that won the Series in Hudiksvall this weekend against Hudiksvalls TK & Öviks TK
Isabella Schulz & Nadja Ydehall

The Maxi Tennis Team that won this past Sunday the Series agaisnt Sundsvalls TK and Öviks TK.
Jack Ydehall, Nadja Ydehall and Carl Rehnstrand

The Maxi Tennis Tam that won this past saturday the series against Hudiksvalls TK and Kramfors TK.
Jack Ydehall, Lukas Olofsson, Matilda Schulz & Anders Tellberg

Monday, November 8, 2010

training smart..

An article I got by mail just the other day..about children that should not train as small adults.
Interesting indeed, specially when it comes to the general criticism that we have, unfortunately, too many clubs and coaches in the country that do train juniors as little adults. That is why, I am one of the most outspoken supporters of a National Tennis Coaches License.. so that only people with the right knowledge can train our kids, the future of Swedish Tennis!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Back in Business!!

Back in business i say.. specially after last week's intense schedule for my part.
-Elit Training Camp in Sundsvall
-Coaches Conference - Bosön, Stockholm
-Biomechanics and Physiology University class - GIH, Stockholm
-American Tennis Camp owner's meeting
- Elit Training Camp in Piteå
a great week in my tennis career.. becoming the Tennis Director of the American Tennis Academy being the cherry on top of the cream. The rest, well I will be updating when the time comes, internationally ;)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Söderlings was not kidding last year..

Soderling speech - 2009 Rolland Garros Final

A gracious and happy Soderling gave his speech in perfect English. Mentioning that Federer has given him a lesson in how to play, and that he is the greatest player in history who deserved the win. He entertainingly recounted: “My coach and I were ‘Yoking’ (lovely Swedish accent on ‘Joking’) that I could win this match because no one can beat me 10 times in a row” (Federer had already beaten him 9 times to date), “it seems we were wrong, but not 11!” A friendly challenge to the next time they meet on the court.
I’ve never seen anyone so happy to be the runner up, I think he was genuinely happy to be in the final and playing against Federer, and you don’t see that in many other sports. A true respect for sportsmanship and your opponent is a great thing to see.
Extracted from: French Open final interviews from Roger Federer and Robin Soderling
By: Tania Leach

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

RG pics

Got some pics from a Russian colleague who has been at the RG for the past days. The RF one is from this morning.. gettiung ready for the match agaisnt our own Söderling. COME ON ROBIN!!!

My work as an actor..

Friday, May 7, 2010


Some people should be put on a raft and be kicked off the country:

Saturday, May 1, 2010

2 different worlds

Finally, our Flickr site is sync with the www, the blog, facebook and twitter pages :D
do check the pics and feel free to mail me any you would like to have there :)

2 weeks ago I coached a training camp in Övik with players from 6 clubs. A week after I received a very upset email from a player's dad and another one from his coach. None were the least positive to my hard and "unreasonable" rules.. because tennis should be fun and "kids should be kids." What were the rules that drove the coach and the dad over the edge?
NO CANDY, CHIPS or SODA during the camp.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry while reading the mail.
The no candy rule was the reason the parent was forced to drive 100km to pick up his kid from the training camp and drive him home on that saturday.

Funny enough, while I was coaching the SALK Open team 2 years ago, I shared the floor with 3 teenagers from the same city, around 16-17 years old, who had nothing but burgers, pizza, sodas, candy and chips during the whole competition, and the 3 days before their next tournament. guess again if they made a good job in any of those tournaments!

Meanwhile, 150 km away we have players as young as 6 years old that freely enforce this rules on themselves already 4 days before their Musse Pigg competitions...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

SvTF following the trend..

and Svensk Tennis has now a Facebook page.. finally!
I think it took just a little too long before they had once considering that it is a great tool to get all the kids out there to easily see what is going on, not to mention spread the word about out great Sport.

"times of change are coming" say the song, and certainly the same applies to the ATA.
3 new deals that are at the moment 99% from happening.. by Monday next week, I should know about all 3.
It is exiting times as the end of the spring approaches and the summer with the unlimited clay court times approach.

Anyhow, I know I am teasing, so to make things a little better I offer one of my favorite tennis pictures to all of you:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring break

While in the US Spring Break meant drive down to Florida for tennis and party, here it means mostly winter sports all over. In an effort to promote tennis during this week we offered a very flexible schedule... but it did not work so well for the smaller kids. We had way too few who bit the bate. However Tech Camp 1, which focused in technique analysis was a success. We had over 21 players from 4 clubs and since we did a lot of filming, we ended up having 3 camps!
Now the never ending job of editing the clips is to start... at a 1:6 film/editing time ratio, it'll be a couple of loooong days b4 I am done, but but with Next Generation last week, and "ATA goes up North" this weekend no time to sit around and chill. Next, match training in Piteå, Luleå and Skellefteå :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Iphone died today...

My baby is broken, so if you need to get in touch, email me!

Friday, February 26, 2010


the best thing of facebook must be to reconnect with old friends.. this pic is the "picture of the year" winner in the old richie pics category, this is me and all of my 2nd year classmates :D
find me?
The teacher's name: Elsa Pacheco, whom I'll always remember,and still recognizes me when she sees me back home :))

Thursday, February 11, 2010

a beautiful night

So, according to the votes I came next best :) I gotta admit that I was so nervous last night while siting at the dinner table, and when they called out the winner, felt a sting in my gut. Like loosing a tennis match in fact, one that I really wanted to win!!
10 minutes after, when things calmed down and I felt OK again and could enjoy the rest of the lovely dinner. A great Gala it was!

I asked once a dear coach of mine to write a reference for my college scholarship application. Raul Cossio, who for many years was a second father to me, wrote: "Richie works extremely hard for his goals, he is the type of player that right after winning or loosing a match, takes a shower, puts a clean t-shirt on and gets back into the court to work on what didn't work well that day."
I woke up this morning took a shower and left to work. Some other day I'll win, in the mean time I'll keep working hard for my dream :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

back from the future..

Fed won boringly easy, I was in Malmö at the SvTF conference where we discussed and proposed improvements of the new educational program, will soon be getting a DARTFISH license -world's leading technique analysis software - a great sponsorship that made my month :D
Tomorrow is the Medelpad's Sport Gala at the Södra Berget Hotel. I'm a finalist and I can feel the butterflies in my tummy ;) 33% chances, so i guess... will just wait and see. Haven't prepared a speech as not to jinx it, but I know how to celebrate if I win: a thick creamy piece of brie, salty crackers, chili marinated mushrooms, olives and garlic, and a pint of Sam Adams. If I dont win, all of the above plus a huge chocolate pie, and Bens & jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream B)

*My Brother's new movie just won the Best Director & Best Scrip at the Sundance Film Festival, and he has been named "Actor of the Year" in Bolivia, so either there it's been enough prices in the family this year already or there will be one more for mom and dad to brag about ;) *

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday Matches

Wednesday Day

Wednesday Night

AO Highlights..

Tuesday NIght

Tuesday Day

Söderlings AO exit

Australian Open - Tennis - Tennis - följ allt som händer på ATP- och WTA-touren - Video Eurosport

How to cheer up after Söderlings match..

What does the middle east have that we dont?
Money Waste problems. The Lyxfällan TV show will be working overtime down there!
-What a better way to promote the Doha tournament than to get the 2 most expensive players in the world to get suspended 10 meters high and play minitennis in a flying magic carpet huh? Or maybe not, unfortunately this publicity trick was not popular at all. "Ridicolous" and " I rather see Roger and Rafa play chess.." were some of the criticism all over sport broadcasts!

This was not nearly as cool as the Agassi/Federer match on the helipad at the Burj-al hotel in Dubai couple of years ago:

Mondays Highlights



behind the AO scenes...

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Donate 50 kronor till Haiti. Det har vi råd med. Sms:a KATASTROF till 72950 (Rädda Barnen) eller SMS:a Haiti till 72900 (Unicef) eller SMS:a AKUT till 72900 ( Röda Korset). Tack!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


hahaha, cant stop laughing at this threat I found on Facebook...
can anyone guess who was the driver?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Base Camp

The Base Camp was really fin this past 2 days, we had players from 6 different clubs training hard both days. We had a great mix of coaches which was exiting and inspiring for the kids!
-Rikard Robbin, American Footbal star, impressed the kids with his abilities and charisma. As I'm looking for a physical coach for this semester, Rikard interest is
-Jocke Svedberg, from the Olympic Committee, had exiting exercises, advice and timing as he had the very last session. The kids got the spirits up and the camp end while at the top :)
-with 21 players, this was absolutely the largest camp we've had in town B) about 80% of the players were on top of their game both days, which is a little unusual for being the first training after the Christmas break,

why is it that the players that constantly wanna train with better players cuz that is the "only way to develop" don't show what they are all about as soon as they get the chance? In my mind there are players that perform and players that don't, regardless whether they train with someone better or worse!